Naser El-Sheimy
Co-Founder and Chairman of METI Group
PhD degree from University of Calgary in Geomatics Engineering
An entrepreneur who led the establishment of 3 Companies and one research center (TECTERRA) from the University of Calgary

Mohamed Elhabiby
Co-Founder and Executive Vice President
PhD degree from University of Calgary in Geomatics Engineering
EMBA degree from Haskayne school of business, University of Calgary
Leader in commercialization of Innovation in software projects, acts as a success manager

Bassem Abdullah
Vice President Technology
PhD degree from University of Miami in Computer Engineering
Experience of 20+ years in Software industry
Led more than 100 successful up and running software projects in the last 5 years In software projects, acts as a technology director

Flexible commitment plans to scale your development team
Enhance customer experience and existing products through legacy application modernization
Scale your application to handle high traffic through Software integration services

Ideation and evaluation for a new or existing product
Product design and development
Infrastructure management and DevOps